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What is a home care bed ?

Aug 16 2022

1. What is a home care bed?

Home care bed is designed to help elderly and disabled users with mobility and support in nursing homes, hospitals, and private homes, while assisting caregivers with more convenient care. With backrest, leg rest and height adjustment, the home care beds ease access and transfers as well as support mobility and nursing care. 

Home care beds have many benefits for patients and caregivers, most of which are compatible with additional safety features such as bed rails and bumpers.

What is a home care bed ?

2. How does a home care bed work?

All electric and manual home care beds have one common factor- they can be moved into various positions. Movement is controlled via a crank for manual care beds, whilst electric home care beds are moved using a handset that can be operated by either the patient or care staff.

3. Types of home care beds

*Standard height

Standard height home care beds are the most common type of nursing bed. In their lowest position, they are around 40cm from the floor which is a similar height to a normal divan bed. When raised to their highest position they are around 80cm from the floor, the height of a carer’s waist level to facilitate nursing for the user on the bed.

*Low height

Low-height home care beds can be lowered much closer to the floor, around 30cm away. This is especially beneficial for elderly patients, as it means they can get in and out of bed without assistance. This in turn can also help reduce the workload of nursing staff as it can save them a significant amount of time and effort.

Low height bed can also provide a greater sense of security, as the patients are less likely to injure if they fall off the bed.

4. Main features

People who buy a home care bed usually have specific needs. So, there are certain features that a care bed must have.

*Adjustable Backrest

The basic feature of a care bed is an adjustable backrest. This allows people to sit up in bed to read or interact more comfortably.

Having an elevated backrest can also be extremely beneficial to people with respiratory problems or difficulties.

*Knee Brake

Sitting just behind the knees, the knee brake can be raised to prevent the user from sliding down the bed. It also allows one to develop a more natural posture when one sits up.

Additionally, adjusting the knee brake can help increase circulation to the lower legs.


Height adjustment is also a handy thing to have on an electric home care bed. With the flexible height, the bed can facilitate smoother transfers by allowing the user or carer to dictate how low the platform should be when they’re getting on to and off the bed.

This feature also suits people who are at high risk of falling. It is also a home care bed that can be lowered to the floor at night. That way, if someone were to fall out of bed, they are much less likely to hurt themselves.

Of course, you should always take precautions to prevent someone from falling off the bed. Siderails and positioning supports are both popular choices. But in case you do fall, it helps to be prepared.

*Trendelenburg & Anti-Trendelenburg

More nursing positioning options may be included in the Trendelenburg and Anti-Trendelenburg features. These help to relieve stress, but they should only be used under medical supervision.

5. Other features


It has a bracket that allows manual adjustment of the leg section, which provides the maximum height of the legs when needed. It’s often on a ratchet system so is usually operated by the caregivers.

*Side Rails

The side rails prevent the user from falling out of bed. They run alongside both sides of the bed and additional bed bumpers can be fitted if necessary to avoid injury client.

*Easy to install and maintain

A lot of home care beds are simple to set up and maintain, and they should be designed to last a long time. Medik offers an excellent testing and inspection service if you are unsure about whether your home care bed meets the safety requirements of your patients. We also service and repair our wide range of medical equipment

, including care beds, to keep your product in its best condition.

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